Friday, April 10, 2009

Scans from OPM Of Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2





David O said...


"you can now move while firing the considerately badass bow". O_o. If they do this then you can use the bow as a long range weapon like. Basically you can play through a stage with this.

"Ryu will now turn and look at the direction you are supposed to go". This feature is nice but not necessity. In NG we can say this is needed, but in NG2, the game was pretty much straight forward. All you do is move forward so you can't get lost.
Since this feature is added, we don't need to collect maps now:/

"Certain moves have been given a visual fair" I hope it looks like Sigma 1!

"and countless calculated changes to the fundamentals of the fighting system have been made". This should mean, they stopped the Explosive Shuriken ninjas, countless attacking in the background. And I hope the battle system is that of NG/S1.

"language, barriers, fun" What the hell was he talking about O_o.
I think he was referring to weebos banging on about Japanese voice is better, or fans saying the new voice of Ryu sucked.

Anyway man, thanks for this.

Andrew B. Hall said...

@ >x

your welcome